Save 30% on your fire station’s heating bills with heatboss heat management system
Ensuring that your fire station is comfortable for the crew, as well as protected from the elements, whilst also being sustainable can be very difficult with conventional heating controls.
In retained stations, you do not always know when the building will be in use, so you may have to keep the heating on at all times and you may not have any zones, so when the heat is on it will be heating every room, when they are not in use.
Your current heating controls may be leading to discomfort and inefficiently, by heating areas that you aren’t using or by heating the whole station when it is unoccupied.
With heatboss, you can ensure that the station is protected (using setbacks), has remote control of its heating on/off times and target temperatures, so that it is only heated when required and when it is heated, avoids wasting energy by only heating the rooms that are occupied.
If a crew-member wants more or less heat within their area, it does not impact any of the other rooms’ settings. Each day, each room/area’s settings default back to the standard settings to ensure that if it was turned up one day, that it doesn’t stay up permanently.
Our fire stations clients are seeing on average 30% savings on their heating consumption and the property managers do not have to travel long distance to check on the status of the heating in retained stations, they just log in instead.
Individual Area Control
Allowing you to create tailored heating patterns for each Area in the station.
Local Control
Staff can control the heating locally too. Boost functionality allows individual areas to be heated if staff are working late.
Reports on the savings that you’ve made
Clients average saving ~30%. Payback is typically within 2 years.
Comfort for concentration
Customised comfort levels can be set for each area to ensure that it is at the optimal temperature for comfort and usage.
Enabling you to meet your sustainability targets by monitoring and verifying your ongoing savings. This will help you to achieve awards for excellence in environmental action.
Fire Service Organisations saving on their heat bills with heatboss smart heat control system
Contact us
heatboss has revolutionised how busineses interact with their heating systems, providing you with more control, less waste and great savings.